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To demonstrate how successfully Rose State College fulfills its mission, periodic assessments are conducted at various levels across campus. These assessments are designed to provide relevant and timely data to support efforts for continuous improvement of student learning, satisfaction, and engagement on the campus of Rose State College, to preserve and enhance the quality of the college’s programs and services, and to ensure accountability. As a reflection of its commitment to excellence in academics as well as service to the community, the college strives to maintain assessment practices and procedures that are meaningful and transparent. Results of the various assessments are shared throughout the college community and are used to inform decisions in all areas across campus. 


The College Assessment Committee is responsible for the structure and implementation of campus-wide assessment strategies. Representation includes individuals from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Institutional Effectiveness, and Academic Innovation, as well as full-time faculty and administrators from each academic division, including developmental education. The combined efforts and perspectives of staff from these various areas promotes a holistic approach to assessing and improving the student experience at Rose State College. 

To learn more about our assessment practices, please follow the links provided. 

Assessment Plan
Outcome Statements
Program Review